I believe and I believe in belief!
Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.
All things break. And all things can be mended.
Not with time, as they say, but with intention.
So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.
The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.
L. R. Knost
Thinking about this today, pondering the way the world is fragmenting, every which way you look all you can see is a broken world, sickness, families tearing apart, crisis, crisis, crisis and more crisis…
I believe and it is only my belief (how we see we perceive and all that!)….that we are moving from the Piscean age into the Aquarian age (astrology model) meaning we have been under the law of the patriarchal system and are moving slowly into the way of the feminine, I know, I know its been talked about for ever…but think about what is happening and the solution to the brokenness…we are being directed inside where the peace is your internal sitting room!…
Can’t find that place, then that is the first step…
We have a choice to run around being angry, being sad, being frustrated, being overwhelmed…
OR how about being in peace and from that place with ease, grace and love being moved by spirit to enjoy whatever we are called to do…
Doesn’t that help you breathe more easily?
And from that place can we not rise in beauty and healing for all things, making our world at least an enjoyable and healthy existence…
I believe and I believe in belief!… The way forward is to bring about peace within and that will bring peace without, we are all things the inside and outside being a reflection of all…
This of course leads me into talking bit about Shakti Tantra and the programmes we run and why…
We run a programme for Women, Couple and Mixed as well as many specialty retreats…
The programmes are over a period of 18 months, nicely spaced out between each block… we like to go deep!, we need to go deep to overturn all the nonsense we have been fed… we need to dig deep to find who we truly are and our own authority… to tell our truth…
And why?…because if we all can learn to live without fear of each other, speak our truth from our hearts, understand we have choice in what we do and think…then there is a possibility of great respect and harmony…
As many as possible practicing this will bring about the 100th monkey!
Namaste… I honour you as an aspect of myself❤️❤️❤️
Coming up
- 31 Jan – 2 Feb Mixed Programme: level 1
- 20-22 March 2020 Women’s programme: level 1

Hilly’s approach is very grounded and practical, coming from her deep understanding of family and intimate relationships. She is known for her wisdom, joy, love and total acceptance within her workshops and is very skilled and experienced in running groups of which she has over 30 years practice.