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- The Gift EconomyApr 26 2023 - 10:22 am
In recent months we’ve been offering our Level 1 workshops as “Gift Economy”. This means participants pay only the food and accomodation costs. Participants are invite to contribute to tuition […]
- Conscious Conversations – Ravi FreemanApr 11 2023 - 2:52 pm
We’ve recently been inviting those who inspire us into a series of Conscious Conversations, here is the first with Ravi Freeman talking with Hilly and Annabel “Ravi is a rare […]
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Shakti Tantra Education | |
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This is a group for people interested in learning more about tantra and sacred sexuality. At Shakti Tantra we practice transformation through sexuality, using sexuality to access higher levels of consciousness and wellbeing |
Shakti Awakens – Poems by Rowena Roberts
/by Shakti Tantra‘We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.’ ― Anais Nin Guest blog by Rowena Roberts, one of the women currently travelling with the amazing group […]
The gift of stillness – Don’t just do something, sit there!
/by PaulineIt’s so easy, when we’re madly busy, when there are lots of competing demands on our time, and we are running frantically through items on our to do list, that […]
I came to tantra from a career as a nurse, teacher and facilitator, familiar and comfortable with supporting people during major life changes, all sorts of challenges. As a practitioner I work with people who want to explore new and different ways to feel, experience and express their sexuality.
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Tantric Clown Anyone?
/by Shakti TantraKate Spenceley introduces us to the tantric clown, Kate has completed our Women’s programme and is assiting with the current programme. She is also working to develop the our exciting […]
The Rose and the Thorn
/by HillyYour hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting […]
Hilly’s approach is very grounded and practical, coming from her deep understanding of family and intimate relationships. She is known for her wisdom, joy, love and total acceptance within her workshops and is very skilled and experienced in running groups of which she has over 30 years practice.
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The Sacred Union
/by HillyThere is a deep and profound union, which truly is that of the body, mind, heart and soul, which is the ultimate alchemical fusion and transcendental transmutation of the mystical […]
Hilly’s approach is very grounded and practical, coming from her deep understanding of family and intimate relationships. She is known for her wisdom, joy, love and total acceptance within her workshops and is very skilled and experienced in running groups of which she has over 30 years practice.
More about Hilly »
My Tree of Life
/by Shakti TantraThis weeks blog is by guest author John Fraser of Every Body Loves. John has explored tantra with Shakti Tantra for many years and we are grateful for the passion […]
Innocence is born of fullness. Guilt is born of emptiness.
/by BeckyMany years ago, when I started my biology degree the head of the university department, an elderly professor with a wonderful white beard gave a talk to all the new […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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What is Yoni?
/by BeckyThe place from which we are all born, Yoni… Anatomically, the word Yoni describes the female genital organs, including the whole outer and inner labia, clitoral and urethra area, through to […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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The subtle art of dearmouring
/by Pauline‘You may be able to fight and win battles in a suit of armor, but when you’re wearing one all of the time without knowing it, it becomes impossible to […]
I came to tantra from a career as a nurse, teacher and facilitator, familiar and comfortable with supporting people during major life changes, all sorts of challenges. As a practitioner I work with people who want to explore new and different ways to feel, experience and express their sexuality.
More about Pauline »
All about the Orgasm
/by BeckyThere are a lot of articles out there about orgasms; about how to have one….or two ….or three about how most (but not all) women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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