Vignette from a Tantrika’s everyday life

#itsnotallaboutsex an everyday transformative example. I’m on a transatlantic plane, doing a red-eye from Boston to London Heathrow… I’ve already spoken my intention to the universe before the flight that […]

A conversation about boobs

I was at a workshop recently, I seem to remember we’d been dancing.  That free, abandoned bouncing around that happens sometimes, without thought or self-consciousness. And afterwards someone said ‘your […]

Pauline McCluskey – What tantra means to me.

I’m of the generation that first heard the word tantra from the publicity around Sting and his apparently amazing tantric sex life. Not necessarily the best starting point! Around then […]

Becky Price – How did I get here?

Back in 2003, I was living with a partner of 10 years.  Like many relationships we started well but over the years I found I was enjoying sex less and […]

Annabel Newfield – Why do I teach tantra?

They say we teach what we most need to know… so what has tantra helped me to learn, that I now do my best to support others to learn and […]

Hilly Spenceley – Why I teach Tantra & what attracted me to it….

I first heard the word Tantra in 1971, when I had a particularly bad sexual experience (time of free love and sexual revolution etc) I wasnt’ impressed!… Secondly around the […]

Genital Healing

The root of our creativity….Sacred Tantric Sexuality, going beyond gratification into honouring and healing of sexual wounds, hurts and disfunction.   To have a Yoni or Vajra massage is a […]

Workshop review: Surrender to the Bliss

Karla Newbey recently attended  our  ‘Awakening to Sacred Sexuality’ course which is level 1 of our mixed programme and wrote about it in Psychologies Magazine. In the following weeks, I […]

Delights of Self Pleasure

Did you know that May is masturbation month! Here at Shakti Tantra we prefer the term Self Pleasuring but what ever you choose to call it, we highly recommend developing […]


Since I am running a Shibari day in February, I thought I would write some stuff on Shibari and my take on it in the context of Tantra for those […]