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- The Gift EconomyApr 26 2023 - 10:22 am
In recent months we’ve been offering our Level 1 workshops as “Gift Economy”. This means participants pay only the food and accomodation costs. Participants are invite to contribute to tuition […]
- Conscious Conversations – Ravi FreemanApr 11 2023 - 2:52 pm
We’ve recently been inviting those who inspire us into a series of Conscious Conversations, here is the first with Ravi Freeman talking with Hilly and Annabel “Ravi is a rare […]
Shakti Tantra Education | |
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This is a group for people interested in learning more about tantra and sacred sexuality. At Shakti Tantra we practice transformation through sexuality, using sexuality to access higher levels of consciousness and wellbeing |
Vignette from a Tantrika’s everyday life
/by Becky#itsnotallaboutsex an everyday transformative example. I’m on a transatlantic plane, doing a red-eye from Boston to London Heathrow… I’ve already spoken my intention to the universe before the flight that […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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A conversation about boobs
/by PaulineI was at a workshop recently, I seem to remember we’d been dancing. That free, abandoned bouncing around that happens sometimes, without thought or self-consciousness. And afterwards someone said ‘your […]
I came to tantra from a career as a nurse, teacher and facilitator, familiar and comfortable with supporting people during major life changes, all sorts of challenges. As a practitioner I work with people who want to explore new and different ways to feel, experience and express their sexuality.
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Pauline McCluskey – What tantra means to me.
/by PaulineI’m of the generation that first heard the word tantra from the publicity around Sting and his apparently amazing tantric sex life. Not necessarily the best starting point! Around then […]
I came to tantra from a career as a nurse, teacher and facilitator, familiar and comfortable with supporting people during major life changes, all sorts of challenges. As a practitioner I work with people who want to explore new and different ways to feel, experience and express their sexuality.
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Becky Price – How did I get here?
/by BeckyBack in 2003, I was living with a partner of 10 years. Like many relationships we started well but over the years I found I was enjoying sex less and […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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Annabel Newfield – Why do I teach tantra?
/by BeckyThey say we teach what we most need to know… so what has tantra helped me to learn, that I now do my best to support others to learn and […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
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Hilly Spenceley – Why I teach Tantra & what attracted me to it….
/by HillyI first heard the word Tantra in 1971, when I had a particularly bad sexual experience (time of free love and sexual revolution etc) I wasnt’ impressed!… Secondly around the […]
Hilly’s approach is very grounded and practical, coming from her deep understanding of family and intimate relationships. She is known for her wisdom, joy, love and total acceptance within her workshops and is very skilled and experienced in running groups of which she has over 30 years practice.
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Genital Healing
/by HillyThe root of our creativity….Sacred Tantric Sexuality, going beyond gratification into honouring and healing of sexual wounds, hurts and disfunction. To have a Yoni or Vajra massage is a […]
Hilly’s approach is very grounded and practical, coming from her deep understanding of family and intimate relationships. She is known for her wisdom, joy, love and total acceptance within her workshops and is very skilled and experienced in running groups of which she has over 30 years practice.
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Workshop review: Surrender to the Bliss
/by Shakti TantraKarla Newbey recently attended our ‘Awakening to Sacred Sexuality’ course which is level 1 of our mixed programme and wrote about it in Psychologies Magazine. In the following weeks, I […]
Delights of Self Pleasure
/by BeckyDid you know that May is masturbation month! Here at Shakti Tantra we prefer the term Self Pleasuring but what ever you choose to call it, we highly recommend developing […]
Becky brings this rich experience and wisdom into her teaching. With a compassionate open heart she helps people find their spontaneity, playfulness and joy.
More about Becky »
/by Shakti TantraSince I am running a Shibari day in February, I thought I would write some stuff on Shibari and my take on it in the context of Tantra for those […]