Ceremonial Cacao

I have been noticing more and more awareness of the Ceremonial Cacao rituals and it got me thinking, I did an interview with the Queen of Cacao, Zena Rose Boutayeb, which I have attached below….

I first came across the Lady Cacao quite few years ago and the powerful but gentle experience…

Coming from a culture of Drugs Sex and Rock and Roll, I was not too aware of the subtleties of a gentler “high”…

My attitude to mind expanding substances, was not always of the reverential approach…lots of fun times though and many thought provoking conversations…

Time moved on and a new consciousness arose and now at this most powerful of times, our earth is starting to give up her secrets and I, for one, am relearning the teachings of what our earth has to show us and how she will lead me/us into more, much more awareness and understanding of our connection to all things….

So I think that we are being called to experience what the Goddess Cacao can awaken in us…

As the unfurling of the wing of femininity starts to become more apparent ,we can begin to hear the voice of Mother Earth calling….

With the ritual of the Ceremonial Cacao, we are learning that the sacred Cacao bean is far more sacred than we ever thought, far, far more than a bar of chocolate that we gorge ourselves with from the local supermarket….

But underneath this …to see this is one of our sacred teachers…

She is an ali and friend, she brings us into our heart, and sometimes we can hear the ancient whispers of wisdom…

She shows us deep love and respect…

And lastly, to mention why she comes into our school of Tantra – she activates the feminine in us all, called Shakti and this is the time friends…

When the feminine is rising, the sacred marriage is starting to happen… which is what Tantra teaches us…. to be in balance with the masculine and feminine, the intuitive and logical, the Yin and Yang…

The timing is good…. total respect for the Ceremonial Cacao



You watch the talk with Hilly and Zena on our Shakti Tantra Education facebook group.  You may need to join the group to see it, any problems just email us

Learn more about Zena and her work here